The snow set us back a few days but later this week we will venture into uncharted territory in the area of standardized testing with the administration of the PARCC. New Jersey students will be taking these newly-developed tests in place of the NJASK. Here at MWES, a K-5 public school in central New Jersey, we have used what we've learned about the format of the tests throughout the school year to differentiate learning experiences to include online assessments similar to what students will see on the PARCC.

- The
test is on a computer (for us, Chromebooks).
For most students, this is a big YIPPEE! For others, it is not as exciting
as some might predict. Keyboarding familiarity is important, as are some
basic computer skills our students are honing. Every minute students spend
learning digitally is a step in the right direction, and we have provided
time to become familiar with the technology skills students will use on
the PARCC.
- This
isn't your grandmother’s multiple choice. The
multiple-choice questions on the PARCC test are not always asking for one
answer; sometimes they are asking for more than one. Often the test asks
us to choose an answer for #5, and then #6 asks us to choose the best
reason to support that answer. We keep reminding students to choose the
best option, even though there might be other reasonable ones. These
questions make us really think. As we practice test items similar to the
ones our students will see on the PARCC we discuss the answers to these
questions and the reasons for choosing particular answers.
- What
are students thinking? The PARCC folks want to know what students think
after they are exposed to two or three selections on the same topic. They
want to see how kids compare, contrast and convey their understanding. We
have been doing this since the fall, and we are very impressed with how
students are now diving back into the reading (close reading) to find
supporting evidence when constructing answers. One of the biggest
challenges our students are facing is the fact that they have to include
so many parts in their written answers. With consistent feedback, modeling
and encouragement, we have seen growth in our students’ ability to express
opinions using evidence from their selections. Yea!!!
- Basic
Skills Remix: In math, students are required to
apply basic skills they have acquired over the past several years.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills will be pushed
to the limits as students decide how to apply them in challenging
problems. We remind our students that they already possess skills
necessary to succeed. They only need to commit those skills to their
problem solving to make it all come together.
- Families
can STILL help! If you are the lucky family member
of a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader, you can still provide valuable support! Make
sure students are getting adequate sleep, eating healthy and staying
active. Remind them every single day that effort affects
everything, and that everything we do in school is important.
Yes, our young students are faced with challenging
assessments, and have already demonstrated success using the computer to
participate in such assessments! We know they will work hard to do their
best on the PARCC, but in the end it is the rest of our interactive, reflective
learning that determines the success of our school year.
Thank you to Falmouth, MA fourth grade
teacher Suzy Brooks for her March 8th blog post, Searching for PARCCing Spaces. The content of this blog post is taken
from her blog, but has been modified to better match NJ students, more
specifically the students and families in our K-5 community.