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http://myhealthoc.org/its-national-bike-month/ |
As we welcome the month of May; recognize our teachers on National Teacher Recognition Day, May 5th; celebrate mothers on Mother’s Day, May 10th;and remember those who fought for our country on Memorial Day, May 25th; May is also Bicycle Safety Month! This is an especially important month for parents and children as it is time to tune up our bicycles and brush up on bicycle safety rules! It is great to see children spending more time outdoors and using their bikes to get from one place to another, with parent permission, of course. Cyclists should always wear a helmet, and just as cars must follow the rules of the road, bicyclists should also be aware of these rules, keeping to the right of the road, and using hand signals when making turns. You may wish to review the safety tips from Safekids found at http://www.safekids.org/bike, from KidsHealth at http://kidshealth.org/kid/watch/out/bike_safety.html and Kizworld at http://www.kidzworld.com/article/22564-may-is-national-bike-month. NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) encourages you to become a bicycle “Roll Model” http://www.nhtsa.gov/Bicycles and offers some great printables for “Fitting Your Helmet,” “Wearing a Helmet,” and a child, youth and parent pledge!
While our 3rd through 5th graders may be busy taking the PARCC EOY in May, we will still find time to note the celebration of Children’s Book Week, sharing stories and favorite books in our classrooms. Many ideas to celebrate children’s books at home can be found at http://www.bookweekonline.com/. You may also wish to take advantage of the many children’s programs offered by the Monmouth County Library. Be sure to check their site at http://www.monmouthcountylib.org/index.php/children for up-to-date listings of programs and events for school-aged children, along with links to valuable resources.
Just for fun, take the Memorial Day quiz at http://www.factmonster.com/quizzes/memorialday1/1.html and enjoy this national holiday with family and friends as we honor those who sacrificed their lives for America’s freedom.