Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Getting ready for the PARCC!

In preparation for the PARCC assessments coming in 2015, our teachers have been revisiting district curriculum documents, regional & state documents and the CCSS to ensure that our lessons effectively address these standards. As a Google App school district we have embraced the tools offered to create PARCC-like assessments for our students. Embedded professional development has been provided to our staff, supporting our school's PLN in its latest technology driven initiative. This blog post shares some of the tools we have used to support the creation of digitally enhanced assessments. Check back often for updates, as the number of resources grows daily!

Eric Curts has created a web site filled with resources for those preparing for standardized tests based on the CCSS. Assessments, the Next Generation is filled with all the resources you need to prepare for these tests. For those wishing to create PARCC-like assessments, visit the Apps User Group  created by Eric Curts, the purpose of this site is to "connect and assist schools in the use of Google Apps for Education.  The site contains resources for implementing and using Google Apps, news from the Google blogs, links to schools that use Google Apps, a discussion forum, and more. All users are encouraged to share resources, ideas, questions, and comments." 

Natalie Franzi, a curriculum & instruction supervisor in NJ has created this well-organized page of PARCC resources

Creating PARCC-like Assessments...
This video, created by Technology Integration Coordinator, Monica Hittenger, is one of many resources shared on this page filled with assessment creation tools!

Grade student work automatically using Flubaroo and Google Forms

PARCC Tutorials for Students
These brief tutorials for students, are a sample of the videos created and shared on YouTube by educator Eric Hibbs. These videos allow students AND teachers to become more familiar with the types of tasks students can expect to see on the PARCC and the technology skills necessary to be successful. To see the entire library of tutorials, click here.

Providing Students with Access to Online Text
Read a previous post which shares links to a variety of online sources of text.